Archived News for Professionals in Federal Government - January, 2018
Huge leak uncovered accidentally
ASIO has swept in to secure classified documents after they were accidentally sold at a furniture auction.
Union backs integrity pledge
The public sector appears to support the latest push for a federal corruption court.
Lobby warns of strike decline
The Australia Institute has warned that the right to strike is “nearly extinct”.
NDIS mental health gaps studied
A new report has identified serious gaps in the NDIS for people living with mental illness.
NAPLAN tech checks dumped
The Education Council has announced “robo-marking” will not be used to assess NAPLAN tests.
New funds for weapon exports
The Federal Government wants Australia to become one of the world’s largest arms exporters.
CSIRO signs up ocean drones
CSIRO has partnered with ocean technology start-up, Saildrone, to improve measurement and monitoring in Australian waters and the Southern Ocean.
Sub work coming
The Federal Government says Lockheed Martin’s $700 million submarine contract will create up to 200 jobs.
Fears raised on foreign reforms
Various groups have raised concerns about the Government’s planned foreign influence laws.
Indigenous questions unanswered
The Prime Minister’s Department has been accused of neglected its Indigenous affairs duties.
New trade deal looms
Trade Minister Steve Ciobo says the revised Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal should be signed later this year.
GetUp and MCA make donation warning
Two very different lobbies have warned against a proposed cap on foreign donations.
Green papers trimmed
Environmentalists say the Federal Government’s strategy to protect endangered plants and animals is “deeply inadequate” ...
Australian rights record questioned
The Australian Government has “serious shortcomings” in its human rights record, according to Human Rights Watch.
Ciobo probed on Adani funding
A Federal Government body has explored the option of taxpayer support for Adani's embattled coal project.
Cloud concerns in US court
A US court case could open up access troves of private data, including that of Australians.
Cyber standards criticised
A former ASIO director general says Australia’s cybersecurity abilities are "relatively weak" ...
Green money expected to slide
Renewable energy investment hit a new high in 2017, but analysts have warned that investment could collapse ...