Citizenship Minister Alan Tudge says migrants should sit an Australian “values” test ...

New modelling has found Australian households would save about $150 every year on their power bills under the NEG.

Residents in PFAS-affected areas have described their lives as a “living hell”.

The federal Future Fund is reportedly benefiting from widespread underpayment and exploitation ...

The federal health department will halt a scheme that has paid over $600,000 to popular Instagram users.

Politicians appear to be turning against the My Health Record scheme, something both major parties have backed in the past.

Modelling suggests the National Energy Guarantee will raise electricity prices, cripple renewables and do nothing for climate change.

Obesity experts want children's height and weight to be measured every two years.

Changes could be on the way for the fund designed to turn northern Australia into an economic powerhouse.

Reports say there are about 15,000 people living in some form of slavery in Australia.

The audit office says evidence about the effectiveness of the cashless welfare card is unreliable.

Centrelink’s remote work-for-the-dole scheme has been labelled “devastating” for Indigenous participants.

Men still dominate top executive roles, despite often being out-performed by women.

Adani appears close to locking in finance for a key part of its $16.5 billion Queensland coal mine.

The ATO has spent almost a million dollars finding out many Australians do not believe it is fair.

Tech firm Unisys has lost one of the Federal Government’s longest running outsourcing arrangements.

A three-month window for people to opt out of the My Health Record system opens today.

Energy Australia says the NEG is not inherently pro-coal.

Treasury Secretary John Fraser is quitting, to be replaced by Scott Morrison's former chief of staff.

A high-powered international reference group has been announced for the looming APS review.

Questions have been asked about the exclusive Qantas memberships of some high-flying public service heads.

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