Archived News for Professionals in Federal Government
The Federal Government wants to be able to instruct Google to demote search results for pirate sites.
Tech firm gives back door warning
Cisco has contradicted Peter Dutton’s claims that the government’s decryption bill will not result in “back doors” in their products.
ACCC backs gas reserve
The ACCC has reversed its view on a gas reservation policy to control prices.
Progress on major native title claim
Australia's largest native title settlement has been officially accepted for registration in WA.
Reef report delayed
A report on a controversial $444 million reef funding injection has been delayed.
Headspace to see $52m boost
The Federal Government says it will increase funding to Headspace by about 50 per cent next financial year.
PM pushed for Nauru move
The Morrison Government is facing internal pressure to move children off Nauru.
UK uranium deal being redrawn
Australia is working on a post-Brexit nuclear deal with the United Kingdom.
Apple issues decryption warning
Apple says the Federal Government’s new decryption bill could create security weaknesses and force it to spy on users.
India upholds high-tech database
India's highest court has upheld the legality of a controversial biometric identity database.
MPs seek TPP changes
Crossbenchers are seeking to amend the government's Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement.
ACT holding out on school change
The ACT is refusing to sign on to a new school funding deal without more detail.
PM secures tax change
The Morrison government has succeeded in its plan to accelerate further tax cuts for small and medium businesses.
World Bank ranks human capital
The World Bank Group has unveiled a new system to rank countries based on their human capital success ...
AFP raids Home Affairs
The AFP has raided the Canberra headquarters of the Department of Home Affairs.
PS minister backs caps and cuts
Mathias Cormann has made his first speech on the public service since the portfolio was added to his finance responsibilities.
Review seeks consistent discrimination
A review into religious protections has recommended schools be able to continue to discriminate on sexual orientation.
MDBA does satellite sweep
The MDBA has used satellite imagery to monitor possible water theft in the Northern Basin.
IPCC warns of warming
The UN says greenhouse gas pollution must reach zero by about 2050 in order to stop global warming at 1.5 degrees.
Unions call for pay change
Unions want a dramatic shakeup of the way employees can negotiate pay and conditions.